diploma and cap
Let (Frame Shop Name) help you
proudly display all that you've achieved.
It's more than a certificate. A diploma represents years of hard work, study, and achievement. It will open doors, begin careers, and offer a lifetime of memories. Whether a diploma is yours, your spouse's, or your child's, it shouldn't simply be tucked in a drawer. It deserves a place of honor in your home.

At {FRAME SHOP NAME}, we offer you the expertise to preserve, protect, and beautifully showcase your diploma.

Don't hide your achievements in a drawer, come in for a personal consultation on the best way to show the world all you have achieved.
To make your appointment for your free consultation email us at:
(Insert logo & contact info)

(Insert website URL)

(Insert any special event or promotion)
99% Protective Glass. Helps Protect From Fading.
To make your achievements last, remember to ask for Conservation Grade Glass. Only available from Tru Vue
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