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Announcing the HeARTs Speak Artists Helping Animals Photo Contest

Calling all photographers!


On Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017, we will launch the very first HeARTs Speak Artists Helping Animals Photo Contest.



HeARTs Speak is an international nonprofit organization which unites art and advocacy to increase the visibility of sheltered animals. We are thrilled to partner with them for this contest.



HeARTs Speak is creating a world where no sheltered animal goes unseen, shining a light on these amazing, but often forgotten animals. Likewise, TruLife® Acrylic helps a photographer translate his or her vision from behind the camera to the wall. True-to-life presentation means virtually no reflection, vibrant colors, and UV protection to help protect against fading. It ensures a photographer’s vision is interpreted clearly, and that the subject remains the focus of the artwork. It’s the best way to display your photo.



Together our two organizations want to spotlight the shelter and rescue animals, both those who have already made many families complete, and those waiting to find their forever homes.



The HeARTs Speak Artists Helping Animals Photo Contest, in partnership with TruLife Acrylic, exposes our love for our pets, and gives the winning photographer the chance to bring their favorite image, of their favorite rescue or sheltered friend, to life on TruLife Acrylic, our innovative, anti-reflective acrylic trusted by top photographers around the world.



The contest will run from August 23rd until August 31st.


Voting will start on August 28th and close at midnight on September 6th. The lucky winner will be announced on September 7th.



**NORTH AMERICAN WINNERS ONLY: While anyone is the world is welcome to submit their photo, due to our current fabricator roster, we can only award a TruLife face mount to photographers in North America.**



What to Submit


Many are familiar with the mugshot type photos that present sheltered or rescue animals for adoptions. Anyone who has ever known and loved an adopted animal knows those photos hide their unique personalities and beautiful souls.



Inline with the HeART Speak mission of a world where no sheltered animal goes unseen, we want you to show us your favorite adopted (or adoptable) animal true-to-life… stripped of the stereotypes that often trap them.



The Prize


The winning photo will be face mounted on TruLife Acrylic (valued at approximately $500), and the winner will receive a free, year-long HeARTs Speak Artist Membership, which not only serves to strengthen the community of artists working to help animals in need, it directly impacts all HeARTs Speak programs, including helping the organization serve more shelters and change the lives of countless homeless animals across the world.



A HeARTs Speak Artist Membership includes:

  • Access to an ever-expanding library of educational tools and resources custom designed to strengthen and complement your creativity and reach for sheltered animals
  • Unique vendor discounts exclusive to HeARTs Speak members, including a discount code for TruLife Acrylic
  • The opportunity to earn a generous licensing fee and sell work through HeARTs Speak stock library, ‘Images With HeART’, simultaneously helping animals achieve more mainstream exposure
  • Get on the local rescue radar while finding opportunities for paid work as an official artist member listed in the HeARTs Speak artist directory
  • Help extend HeARTs Speak lifesaving services to more homeless pets by partaking in programs like the Perfect Exposure Project



Contest Details


Entrants can be amateur or professional photographers!



To enter the contest, starting on August 23rd, follow the steps below:

  • Post a photo of your favorite rescue or shelter animal friend with the hashtag #artistshelpinganimalscontest via the contest landing page (launching soon!).
  • Eligible photos should include:
    • Name of animal featured
    • Caption (describe the image)
    • Name of Shelter or Rescue
    • Photographer’s Email Address
    • Photographer’s First Name
    • Photographer’s Last Name
    • Photographer’s URL
    • Photographer’s Social Channels
    • The hashtag #artistshelpinganimalscontest when you share!



We will be updating you with information this week, up until August 23rd when we open the contest. Sign up to join our email list for contest updates.



You can also follow along on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for ongoing contest information, along with the hashtag #artistshelpinganimalscontest.




TruLife Acrylic

HeARTs Speak




TruLife Acrylic

HeARTs Speak




TruLife Acrylic

HeARTs Speak

This article is intended for educational purposes only and does not replace independent professional judgment. Statements of fact and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) individually and, unless expressly stated to the contrary, are not the opinion or position of Tru Vue or its employees. Tru Vue does not endorse or approve, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, accuracy or completeness of the information presented.