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Lost and Found: The Secrets of Archimedes

By Archimedes


Framed Art


Art Museum
Photo ©The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore
Photo ©The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore
Photo ©The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore.


The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Maryland
October 16, 2011 – January 1, 2012


Medieval parchment manuscript




Optium Museum Acrylic®

The Challenge

  • To protect medieval parchment manuscript pages during exhibition and traveling while providing an optimal viewing experience.

The Solution

Optium Museum Acrylic®

Allows viewers to see the medieval parchment manuscript without distracting reflections.

99% UV blocking
Protects the medieval parchment manuscript from the most damaging light wavelengths, helping prevent fading and degradation.

Shatter resistant
Safeguards against injury and damage to medieval parchment manuscript and visitors.  This product is ideal for valuable works, high traffic areas, works that travel, and public event spaces.

Acrylic is half the weight of glass; Ideal for large, heavy projects and works that travel.

Anti-static protection exceeds that of glass
Immediately eliminates static charge.  Makes for safer, easier framing and less cleaning.

Abrasion resistant
A durable hard coat protects against scratches from cleaning and general exposure to the public.


The Work

In Jerusalem in 1229 AD, the greatest works of the Greek mathematician Archimedes were erased and overwritten with a prayer book by a priest called Johannes Myronas. In the year 2000, a project was begun by a team of experts at the Walters Art Museum to read these erased texts. By the time they had finished, the team that worked on the book had recovered Archimedes secrets, rewritten the history of mathematics and discovered entirely new texts from the ancient world. This exhibition told that famous story. Recounting the history of the book and describing the patient conservation, the exhibit explained cutting-edge imaging and highlighted the discoveries of the dogged and determined scholars who finally read what had been obliterated.

More Info

  • Optium Museum Acrylic wall case fabrication by SmallCorp
  • For more information on the exhibition, click here.