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Rear Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson, ca. 1798 – 1799

By (Attributed Artist) Leonardo Guzzardi


Framed Art


Maritime Museum
Photo courtesy of The Mariners’ Museum and Park. Rear Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson, 1994.0018.000001.


The Mariners' Museum and Park, Newport News, Virginia


Oil on canvas


70 1/16 in. x 96 3/16 in. (244.3 cm x 178.2 cm)


Optium Museum Acrylic®

The Challenge

  • To protect a massive 18th century oil painting from physical damage and ultraviolet light during exhibition, while providing an optimal viewing experience.

The Solution

Optium Museum Acrylic®

Shatter resistant
Safeguards against injury and damage to artwork and visitors.  This product is ideal for valuable works, high traffic areas, works that travel, and public event spaces.

Acrylic is half the weight of glass; Ideal for large, heavy projects and works that travel.

99% UV blocking
Protects the painting from the most damaging light wavelengths, helping prevent fading and degradation.

Allows viewers to see the painting rather than distracting reflections.

Anti-static protection exceeds that of glass
Immediately eliminates static charge.  Makes for safer, easier framing and less cleaning.

Abrasion resistant
A durable hard coat protects against scratches from cleaning and general exposure to the public.

The Work

Full-length portrait of Rear-Admiral Horatio Nelson as the hero of the Battle of the Nile, 1 August 1798, probably painted at the Neapolitan court in Palermo in 1799.

More Info

  • Accession number: 1994.0018.000001
  • For more information on the painting, click here.