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Ritratto di Baccio Valori (Portrait of di Baccio Valori), ca. 1530

By Sebastiano del Piombo


Framed Art


Art Museum
Su concessione del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo (MiBACT)


Galleria Palatina, Florence, Italy


Oil on canvas


31 7/8 in. x 26 3/16 in. (81 cm x 66.5 cm)


Optium Museum Acrylic®

The Challenge

  • To protect a dark 16th century painting while providing an optimal viewing experience.

The Solution

Optium Museum Acrylic®

Acrylic is half the weight of glass and shatter resistant
Safeguards against injury and damage to artwork and visitors.

Anti-static protection exceeds that of glass
Makes for safer and easier framing and less cleaning.

Abrasion resistant
A durable hard coat protects against scratches from cleaning and general exposure to the public.

Allows viewers to see the painting rather than their own reflections.

99% UV blocking
Protects the painting from the most damaging light wavelengths, helping prevent fading and degradation.