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Trophy Hall in Lobby, 2017

By SRG Partnership


Display Cases


Photo © Kris Iverson of Moon Shadow Glass


Marcus Mariota Sports Performance Center, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon


Glass display cases


Each of the 8 cases measure 18 in (46 cm) square and the height of the cases range from 12 in to 40 in (30 cm to 101 cm) tall.


UltraVue® Laminated Glass

The Challenge

  • To provide an optimal viewing experience for a prestigious collection of trophies in display cases located in an area surrounded by highly reflective decorative glass elements.

The Solution

High quality display cases made with UltraVue® Laminated Glass.

Using UltraVue® Laminated Glass offered optimal protection while maintaining the integrity of the frames.

Cuts light reflections down to 1% compared to 8% with standard glass, allowing viewers to see the works without distracting reflections.

99% UV blocking
Protects the works from the most damaging light wavelengths, helping prevent fading and degradation.

Safety & Security
If glass breaks, shards remain in place to safeguard against injury and damage until the glass is replaced.  This product is ideal for valuable works, high traffic areas, and public event spaces.

The Work

The Marcus Mariota Sports Performance Center’s trophy lobby is a major focal point in their recently renovated building designed by SRG Partnership. The long glass corridor is 135 feet (41 meters) long and reaches 20 feet (6 meters) in height. All the prestigious trophies that star quarterback Marcus Mariota was awarded while playing for the University of Oregon (2012-2014) are displayed along the center. Decorative detail was used in every corner of the corridor, but the real artwork is encased in the Tru Vue® UltraVue® Laminated Glass display cases. UltraVue® Laminated Glass was the material of choice since it would severely cut down on unwanted reflections caused by the other non-coated glass and lighting used within the display area, creating an optimal viewing experience.

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